We work with the professional breaching community which includes Police Departments across the US and Overseas, to provide a product that is easy to build, easy to carry, and easy to deploy.
You can download our catalog below which gives product details, usage and pricing.
About BreachPop For Law Enforcement

We like our prospective customers to test and evaluate our product to make sure it meets their needs before they commit to a bigger order. This is especially important for police departments that need to plan and work within anticipated budgets. We offer several different packages to help you evaluate.
Billing is done through invoicing.
Test and Evaluation Packages

BreachPop #1

BreachPop #2

BreachPop #3
The BreachPop #1, #2 and #3 are sized differently to accomodate different detonating cord configurations.
$ 249
Lets you evaluate the BreachPops on targets likely to be found in residential structures, from hollowcore doors to Fiberglass and Class I Metal Push doors.
(2) BreachPop #1-5” to build a det cord IDC and a C2 IDC
(1) BreachPop #2-5” to build two det cord IDCs
(4) BreachPop #3-5” to build mini-nunchucks for a solid wood door and a class I metal door
(2) BreachPop #1-8” to build C2 Strip Charges for a class I metal door and a solid wood door
Cut the rubber to length/width with scissors to build a pushing charge on metal doors.
9 BreachPops® + T-Shirt + 1”x36” 5mm Rubber Pushing Medium
The Basic
17 BreachPops® + T-Shirt + 1”x36” 5mm Rubber Pushing Medium
The Standard
The Standard T&E Pack lets you evaluate each of the standard 5”
BreachPops on targets ranging from hollow core doors to class II metal doors, PLUS gives you some of the extended 8” BreachPops to build longer lock strip charges.
(3) BreachPop #1-5” to build det cord and C2 IDCs
(1) BreachPop #2-5” to build a det cord IDCs
(7) BreachPop #3-5” to build two mini-nunchucks to be use on a solid wood door, a class I metal door, or a fiberglass door, plus a sliding hinge charge for use on a solid wood, fiberglass or class I metal push door
(2) 45° BreachPop #2-5” to build a mini-nunchuck for a fiberglass door
(2) BreachPop #3-8” to build a C2 Strip for a Class II metal door and a det cord strip for a solid wood door
(3) BreachPop #1-8” to build C2 Strip Charges for class I metal door and solid wood doors
Cut the rubber to length/width with scissors to build a pushing charge on metal doors.
$ 499
30 BreachPops® + 1 BreachPop Linear + 2 T-Shirts
+ 2 1”x75” 5mm Rubber Pushing Medium
The Presentation
$ 999
The Presentation T&E Pack gives you the opportunity to replicate a majority of the charges in this presentation using doors in your AO to verify load data before going operational with the BreachPop®.
(6) BreachPop #1-5” to build det cord and C2 IDCs plus low-N.E.W. mini-nunchucks for training
(4) BreachPop #2-5” to build two det cord IDCs and a mini-nunchuck
(12) BreachPop #3-5” to build mini-nunchucks to be used on a solid wood door, a class I metal door, and a fiberglass door, plus a
sliding hinge charge for use on a solid wood and class I metal pull door
(1) BreachPop #1-12” and (1) BreachPop #3-12” to build 12” strip charges for solid wood doors with door knob / dead bolt combos
(3) 8” BreachPop #1-8” to build C2 strips for solid wood and class I metal doors, plus a low-N.E.W. det cord traininer
(3) 8” BreachPop #3-8” to build lock strip charges for class II metal doors with C2 and 8” det cord strips
(1) BreachPop #1 Bi-Fold Linear to build a det cord linear for a solid wood door
Cut the rubber to length/width with scissors to build a pushing charge on metal doors.
$ 1,599
The Master Breacher T&E Pack allows the seasoned Breacher to use this presentation and the BreachPop Common Loads and Build Instructions document to complete a thorough evaluation of the BreachPop technology and incorporate the BreachPop into training to validate team TTPs prior to operational implementation.
(10) Breachpop #1-5” (5) BreachPop #2-5”
(12) BreachPop #3-5”. (5) Breachpop #1-8”
(2) BreachPop #2-8” (5) BreachPop #3-8”
(2) BreachPop #1-12” (2) BreachPop #2-12”
(2) BreachPop #3-12” (1) BreachPop #1 Bi-Fold Linear
(1) BreachPop #1 Tri-Fold Linear (1) BreachPop #3 Tri-Fold Linear
(1) BreachPop #1 Bi-Fold Linear to build a det cord linear for a solid wood door
Cut the rubber to length/width with scissors to build a pushing charge on metal doors.
45 BreachPops® + 3 BreachPop® Linears + 2 T-Shirts
+ 3 1”x75” 5mm Rubber Pushing Medium
Master Breacher Pack
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