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The BreachPop #1 has a channel in the face to fit a single piece of 25, 50 or 100 grain detonating cord or 1/2” wide sheet explosive. The curved channel and tamping both act to drastically increase the target effect. Reducing N.E.W. by half to achieve the same target effects is almost standard! BP1-5 and BP1-8 (5" and 8") make the perfect compact strip charges and our unique "mini-nunchuk" keeps the overall length short, the N.E.W. low and really pops on a deadbolt/doorknob combo! The BP1-12 and BP1-15 are substantial operational charges to ensure you catch both locking mechanisms and clear out more of the door! Use the BP1-18 to make a tri-fold linear that will pop open a solid wood or light metal door with only one strand of 50gr while still folding down into an easy to carry package. Order three to make one linear charge. The BP1-36 makes a fully tamped bi-fold linear charge that is fast to deploy, keeping you out of harms way for that initial breach. Order two to make one linear charge.

BreachPop #1
The BreachPop #2 has a channel in the face to fit a two pieces of 25, 50 or 100 grain detonating cord. The curved channel and tamping both act to drastically increase the target effect. Reducing N.E.W. by half to achieve the same target effects is almost standard! BP2-5 and BP2-8 (5" and 8") make the perfect compact strip charges and our unique "mini-nunchuk" keeps the overall length short, the N.E.W. low and really pops on a deadbolt/doorknob combo! The BP2-12 is a substantial operational charge to ensure you catch both locking mechanisms and clear out more of the door! Use the BP2-18 to make a robust tri-fold linear while still folding down into an easy to carry package. Order three to make one linear charge. The BP2-36 makes a fully tamped bi-fold linear charge that is fast to deploy, keeping you out of harms way for that initial breach. Order two to make one linear charge.

BreachPop #2
The BreachPop #3 has a channel in the face to fit three pieces of 25, 50 or 100 grain detonating cord or 3/4” wide sheet explosive. The shaped channel and tamping both act to drastically increase the target effect and reducing N.E.W. by half to achieve the same effect is almost standard! BP3-5 and BP3-8 (5" and 8") make the perfect strip charges and our unique "mini-nunchuk" keeps the overall length short, the N.E.W. low and really pops on a deadbolt/doorknob combo! These also work great for building a sliding hinge charge without needing anything else (like straws...) that can result in a low-order! The BP3-12 is robust strip charge to ensure you catch both locking mechanisms and clear out more of the door! The BP3-16 is a substantial operational charge to ensure you catch any hidden locking mechanisms above those that are visible. It can also be used to make a tri-fold linear that will pop open heavy steel doors (class II metal) while still folding up into a compact package. Order three to make one tri-fold linear charge. The BP1-36 makes a fully tamped bi-fold linear charge that is fast to deploy, keeping you out of harms way for that initial breach. Effective against heavy steel doors, both inward and outward opening! Order two to make one linear charge.

BreachPop #3
The BreachPop #1, #2 and #3 are sized differently to accomodate different detonating cord configurations.